Saturday, November 28, 2009

Question for Myspace?

I"m vary confused with thi smyspace stuff so if anyone can answer these questions, I'd be very grateful! I found out how to get a song on my profile, but you have to press play in order to here it. How do I get the song to automatically start when someone views my profile? Secondly, I took a quiz yesterday and I wanted to put it on there and it gave my a code for my journal? i don't have a journal i don't think. So I had to put it under blog. How do I change it? Thanx for all your help!

Question for Myspace?

For the music, click on the "Change Account Settings" link under "edit profile". There is a Setting labeled "Music Settings:" click on the "- change settings -". Then make sure none of the boxes are checked, if they are, uncheck them and click on the "save changes" button.

Now for putting the the quiz on your front page, just copy the code to " the "About Me " in the "Edit Profile". And then click on the "Save all changes" button.

Question for Myspace?

You have to know that with myspace everything is done in HTML format. When you do surveys and want to post them on your page you need to ask for a code in HTML format or a lot of times they will give you codes for myspace.

The song should be play automatically. Click on the music link at the top of your page. Type in the song you are wanting to play. Go to the page where the song is being played and click "add". They should automatically attach to your page.

If you need further assistance feel free to contact me. You can send me an e-mail through here or contact me on mysace...

I can't get on myspace today since my work has the site block but I'll be on it tonight or tomorrow!

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