Here's what I did: I took my date and shoved her against a table and hit her very hard on the back, made fun of my friends, called them retarded losers, threw some of their stuff away, pushed them down, wrote nasty notes to them, made them flunk a quiz, cussed them out, pulled a girl's bra, spanked girls on the butts, called several friends of mine sexual slurs, started rumors about them, sent horrible messages to friends of mine on myspace, hit a cripple and took their stuff, I got two girls into a cat fight, got a friend of mine in trouble. And because of all that, many won't talk to me no more, no one wants to go to lunch with me, many deleted me off their friends list on myspace, people are afraid of me now. And here's why I think I acted like this: I didn't get invited to a party, high stress from 3 friends dying this year, my uncle and another friend are dying, work is horrible and I get cussed out by customers,a girl tried to get me to go out with her to get her boy jealous.
Did I deserve what I got?
You derseve what you got and most probably deserve more. Learn other ways to deal with your stress rather than take it out on the people you care about.
Did I deserve what I got?
Its called KARMA babe, deal with it!!!
Did I deserve what I got?
You deserved it.
Did I deserve what I got?
what goes around it comes around.....i think you deserved every bit of it...
Did I deserve what I got?
Out in the real world they would have shot you long ago...
On here, that's just an average day....especially if you happen to be pregnant also...
Did I deserve what I got?
You DEFINATELY deserved it.LOL!!!=D
Did I deserve what I got?
Yeah you did, you wen't waay too far. If I was your friend, it would take alot of people to hold me back from beating the **** out of you. But i'm not so you're ok.
Did I deserve what I got?
if your for real, get some counseling, you are messed up mate
Did I deserve what I got?
i think its horrible that youre going through alot of deaths, but at the same time you did get what you derserve, there was no excuse to act that way even if people are dying, at a time like this you SHOULD be with your freinds, friends being there for you to help you through this but you pushed them all away, i would be embarassed of myself if i did all those things, thats some horrible stuff, i suggest apologozing to them if you want them back, probably 9 out of 10 most wont give you a chance, but i suggest to just to just wipe yourself and start over
Did I deserve what I got?
Get a grip no more excuses, you are responsible for your own actions. Get some counseling
Did I deserve what I got?
You don't need need a confessional booth and a Priest. Good luck.....................
Did I deserve what I got?
ok, first u need to take a breather..second yes unfortunatly, u need medice to calm ur anger down some. u shouldnt hit,steal, or be untrust worthy to ur freinds. Do a "all to urself night" no computer, no anything that might get you mad, no phone calls, and NO work! Just calm down and take a bath, or listen to nice calming music not that rap stuff!
I do think u got what u deserve, and i d othink u can help it. And i kno that it isnt TOATALY ur own fault. Cool down ur anger some!
Did I deserve what I got?
Grow the heck up you sorry ***.... you should actually be put in jail just so we don't have stupid people like you out there
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