Thursday, December 3, 2009

Dumb question..promise not to laugh?

I don't know how to re-post Myspace answer a quiz and send it on? Please don't say "copy and post" or "cut and paste" or"copy link" because I don't know what that means. Need step by step idiot-proof directions,please!

Dumb question..promise not to laugh?


%26gt; highlight all

%26gt; right click on mouse

%26gt; down down to "copy" on the list it will bring up"

%26gt; then click "back to bulletin board" at top of your myspace page

%26gt; then click "post bulletin"

%26gt; once in right click on mouse again then do down to "paste" on the list it will bring up"

%26gt; add a title to our bulletin and make the changes needed to carry on thechain.

%26gt; the click "post bulletin"

any more idiot proof help just messgae me ;)

Dumb question..promise not to laugh?

you go back to your home page and click on post a bulliten.

Dumb question..promise not to laugh?

go to the bulletin you want.

click reply to poster

copy and paste the code

go back to Home

click post bulletin

paste the code onto your bulletin

then fill it how how you want

click post


Dumb question..promise not to laugh?

Don't worry...I can't either, that's why I ignore them.

Dumb question..promise not to laugh?

you need to highlight what you want to repost then right click it.( click the other button on your mouse not the one you normally use) a little box will pop up and you need to click on copy. then go back and click post bulletin when you see the big blank box simply put your cursor in the box and and then right click again. This time click paste and it should appear in the box. From then on just type in whatever you need or want and click post to finish

good luck if you need help let me know

I have yahoo IM and myspace

Dumb question..promise not to laugh?

15 steps to posting a bulletin.......

1. Go to bulletin u want to re-post

2. take the mouse

3. click the left side of the mouse

4. while holding down the left side move the mouse so that all the bulletin is highlighted

5. when it is highlighted right click the highlighted section

6. click copy in the box that will pop up

7. click the back to my bulletins link at the top left hand corner or usually above the advertisment thats on the page

8. when it shows all the bulletins that other ppl posted click on top of the list where it says Post Bulletin

9. there will be 2 boxes pop up one big on little, right click the big box and click paste

10. now the bulletin is in the right place so add the subject of the bulletin to the smaller box

11. at the bottom of the bulletin there should be a button to click that says Post Bulletin

12. Click It.

13. another page will come up that shows the preview of the bulletin

14. go to the bottom of the bulletin and click post bulletin again

15. GO POST MORE BULLETINS!!!! lol (laugh out loud)

Dumb question..promise not to laugh?

-highlight what you want copied

-right click on your mouse somewhere on the hightlighted part

-a little box should show up where you right clicked

-click on 'copy'

-click on 'post bulletin' on your myspace home page

-put a title for the bulletin

-right click inside the empty space where the bulletin is going to be

-click on paste when the box shows up

-then fill in the survey

i hope this helps!

Dumb question..promise not to laugh?

Copy %26amp; Paste is very simple.

Open NotePad or something you can type text into and then hold down the left mouse button and move the mouse across a piece of text.

See how it is highlighted? That shows you which bit of text you have selected to copy.

Now let go of the right mouse button and press the LEFT mouse button. A little menu pops up with options on it:

Put your mouse pointer over the one that says "COPY" and press the left mouse button to select it.

You have now copied the text. Now go to NotePad or whatever you want to put the text into and press the right mouse button again: This time select the option in the menu that says "PASTE".

And that's it :-)

To re-post a bulletin in MySpace, "copy" the original one and then go back to the Homepage and press the "Bulletin" button. This will allow you to write a new bulletin message.

Press "paste" and you're done - now all you have to do is give your message a title (in the heading) and send it.

Dumb question..promise not to laugh?

Okay...on the survey you want. Right click anywhere on the surveyonce the little window pops on select all. This highlights it. Once it's highlighted, right click again to bring that little window back up. Once it's on copy. Then click on home to take you back to your myspace home. Look where the Inbox, sent, friend requests, and post a bulletin are. Click on Post a Bulletin. When it comes up, the blank white box beside the word body...go to the center, right click and click on paste when the window pops up. Your survey will appear and you delete the answers from the last person who took it and you can fill out yourself. DON'T FORGET TO TYPE IN A SUBJECT!!!!!. IF YOU DON'T...THE BULLETIN WILL NOT POST!!! After your subject was put in and all your answers put in...scroll down to the bottom and click on the button that says 'post' (right below the box that has your survey on it). It'll show you a preview of your bulletin. Click on the button below it that says 'post bulletin' Give at least 5 minutes to show up with the rest of the bulletins. Good Luck...

Dumb question..promise not to laugh?

to copy and paste:

highlight everything by clicking on the text and draging your mouse where ever you want should be blue next..ON THE HIGHLIGHTED TEXT right click.. it should say copy.. click that and then click your home button click post bullitin and on the big whit space where you type click paste

and dont forget to add me

Dumb question..promise not to laugh?

okay these are the steps:

1.go to the bullitin on where the survey or whatever it is and hold your mouse

3.with your finger still down(make sure you don't let go) drag your mouse to where the survey or message ends

4.then you could let go of click button on your mouse:)

5.the message or whatever it was should be blue or some color

6. then put your mouse over highlighted part and click the right button on your mouse(if there is none you can press conrtol c)

7. there should be a list of what to *copy*

8.then click home on myspace

9.then where it says *post bullitin* click on that

10.then in the big blank area, right click and it should say *paste*(or you can simply push *control v* but make sure your arrow is in the white box:)

11.and there you have it. then you can fill out the survey with your own answers:)

Hope that wasn't too confusing and it helped you a little:D

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