Thursday, December 3, 2009

HELP! :( Boy trouble?

I like this boy, and in the movies he other day he eventually was holding my hand. Later he said he liked me, but he has a few problems and dosent want anyone involved. I told him I like him to. But on myspace he did a quiz and it said. does the person you like like you back, and he said no.

And my other friend said he likes another girl, but the guy i like told my other friend that he likes me.

Whats going on?

HELP! :( Boy trouble?

Just ask him. Try to be a friend more than anything, try to be someone he can talk to, someone he can trust. If he has problems he doesn't want to talk about, he needs to talk about them... I hope you can help the guy out, that would make you a pretty terrific person. Good luck to you, have a good day.

HELP! :( Boy trouble?

just ask him!! he will tell u what is up!!

HELP! :( Boy trouble?

He's a liar or he likes more than one person.

HELP! :( Boy trouble?

Ask him out. The quizzes are stupid.


HELP! :( Boy trouble?

well try and think about if u want to or not

HELP! :( Boy trouble?

dont go on those quiz things makes u think difrerent make ur life easier and talk to him

HELP! :( Boy trouble?

That is more like a riddle than a relationship question.

HELP! :( Boy trouble?

he likes u and you guy should go out just give him some space and a bit of time

HELP! :( Boy trouble?

Whichever one of you girls "takes the relationship to the next level" first will win that one. He's hedging his bets. Smart man.

HELP! :( Boy trouble?

You sound to young to be getting involved seriously with boys. If he said he has problems he don't want you involved in you best stay clear. If you are under 18 you could get him in a lot more trouble. Be reasonable and think things out before you jump into any situations.

HELP! :( Boy trouble?

Ooh what it was like to be young? I wish I was in there shoes.

HELP! :( Boy trouble?

He's denying you

HELP! :( Boy trouble?

Sounds complected umm Talk to him !! and say whats happening. Confront him . May not want everyone to know , shy , or maybe just did not eel love the last time you met !! If this keeps going on break up with him. It;s not good for people to deny your going out with some one . Ask are you ashamed of me ????

HELP! :( Boy trouble?

ask him and hope that he will be truthful

HELP! :( Boy trouble?

Talk to him and get him to spill the beans. Some crazy conspiracy sh*t is going on and you need to straighten this crazy thing out.

Good Luck =)

HELP! :( Boy trouble?

You don't need a guy to make you happy :]

HELP! :( Boy trouble?

Just wait and watch every move . You have to allow some time to pass by .Be more mature . Don't get guided by emotion only. Use your "Dial" as well.

HELP! :( Boy trouble?

bang him. if he says the outher girls name while ur having sex then that means he likes her lol

HELP! :( Boy trouble?

hes a guy.... he will like lots of girls thats why u have to work hard to get him make sure that he knows u like him and that and that he should be interested and as for the myspace thing iv had 2 relationships messed up by that dont let it get in the way go for what you want make sure that he knows what u want and if he was holding ur hand hes all ready showing u that he likes you trick him hun thats a girls best gift get him to ask you out and then there ya go u dont have to worry about who he like you will have him!

HELP! :( Boy trouble?

Hes probably playin lots of girls like he did to you. Ask him to his face

HELP! :( Boy trouble?

Well stop going on what other people say and figure this out on your own. I don't know how old you are but it sounds like your young. Guys who are young tend to play hard to get and hide their feelings (sometimes not good). If you want to find out, you have to get the courage and ask him! Make the moves on him or invite him on a date perhaps.

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