Thursday, December 3, 2009

Weight help please?

i am almost 16 i weight about 125 i am like 5ft 1 inch my bmi is 23.7 according to this quiz aka my bmi i am almost over weight and yet i am a size 3 any ideas on how to lose a bit of weight without going down to like a size 00

Weight help please?

If you are a size 3 you are little- those BMI formulas dont take into account how much of your weight is muscle as opposed to fat. But if you are not happy with your body, then the only way to lose weight is to exercise regularly for at least 30 minutes per session and get yourself on a healthy meal plan and count your calories, and make sure you are burning more than you are taking in.

Weight help please?

In order to lose weight, you need to control your calories intake, burn more calories and have moderation in your eating habits. You need to go in for a weight loss programme like Herbalife weight management products. It will help you to lose weight and re-shape your body. for more details write to me

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